Droid-ify is a F-Droid client with Material UI focused on UI/UX and performance, with a touch of privacy.
Droid-ify offers many improvements on the stock F-Droid experience:
- Material & Clean design
- Fast repository syncing
- Smooth user experience
- Feature-rich
- Privacy and security
- Convenience
- Customization
- Default experience
See Features for more information.
Get a taste of Droid-ify:

Feature Rich

Large library of Repo

Rich UI

Minimal and Clean
View more Screenshots here.
We have an active and friendly community on Telegram that anyone is free to join, should you have issues or just want to chat with other users.
There is also a comprehensive list of answers to frequently asked questions that you may find useful. Feel free to take a look at the FAQ or our other documentation pages if you’re not sure whether Droid-ify is right for you.